New standard available from ANS

January 14, 2025, 12:01PMANS News

A newly published standard is now available at the ANS store.

The standard, ANSI/ANS-8.26-2024, Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer Training and Qualification Program (revision of ANS-8.26-2007; R2022), presents the fundamental elements of a training and qualification program for individuals with responsibilities for performing the various technical aspects of criticality safety engineering.

New nuclear criticality safety standard issued

July 24, 2024, 12:00PMANS News

ANSI/ANS-8.28-2024, Administrative Practices for the Use of Nondestructive Assay Measurements for Nuclear Criticality Safety, was issued on July 15 after receiving approval of the American National Standards Institute in March.

ANSI/ANS-8.28-2024 is now available for purchase in the ANS Online Store.